When Qinshihuang, China's first emperor, established the Qin Dynasty and united the country, he also promoted uniform writing system absorbing characters from various regions. An exhibited bronze tablet in Chengdu museum (carve) with 40 characters, which was made in 221 BC when he united China, documented Qinshihuang's law to standardize the nation's weights and measures.
The bronze tablet (specific) reflected how a nation's governing system (build) up. The Chinese writing system is a solid foundation of a united country with various ethnic groups. Other than the political significance, hanzi (symbolize) inheritance of culture and fine art.
(follow) the booming maritime trade during the Tang Dynasty (618-907), porcelain traveled over the waves, also spreading Chinese people's artistic taste to distant shores. Artisans tended (write) poems on the bottles and jars, demonstrating a golden age of literature in ancient China.
Calligraphy, displays the beauty of writing, has become a remarkable art form in Chinese culture. Literati, high officials, and even emperors' handwritten pieces turned a section of the gallery a traditional Chinese study with refined cultivation.
Hanzi is the only ancient writing system in use in the world. It is the bridge of (communicate) between China and the world, the carrier of recording and inheriting the Chinese civilization, the link to maintain national unity and promote ethnic integration.